Smooth Interpolation Constraints for Bumpless Transfer Design in Periodic Piecewise Linear Systems


题目:Smooth Interpolation Constraints for Bumpless Transfer Design in Periodic Piecewise Linear Systems

报告人:James Lam




James Lam,香港大学机械工程学院控制工程首席教授,长江讲座教授,IEEE Fellow、IET Fellow、IMA Fellow、IMcheE Fellow。担任国际期刊《IET Control Theory and Applications》、《Journal of The Franklin Institute》主编,以及多个国际期刊的副主编或编辑。 主要研究方向包括模型降阶、鲁棒控制与滤波、时滞系统、奇异系统、正系统、Markov跳跃系统、多维系统、网络控制系统、振动控制和复杂网络等。


Periodic Piecewise Linear Systems (PPLSs) are periodic systems with a finite number of subsystems in one fundamental period, used to model practical cyclic applications with piecewise features. While analyses and control problems of PPLS have been extensively investigated in the context of switched systems, a potential drawback is the introduction of undesirable transient behaviours (bumpy phenomena) due to nonlinearities. This talk introduces a bumpless H∞ control strategy for a class of PPLS based on exponential stability and L2-gain analyses, with a novel characterization of bumpless transfer among a variety of subsystem controllers satisfying interpolation constraints. Specifically, derivative constraints and matrix norm constraints of the controller signals are introduced as smoothness measures. The bumpless transfer problem is formulated as an optimization problem with matrix inequality and equality constraints, providing a straightforward and effective way for bumpless transfer design with more design freedom.