Passive and Active Metasurfaces for Applications from Quantum Computing to the Next Generation Wireless Communications


题目:Passive and Active Metasurfaces for Applications from Quantum Computing to the Next Generation Wireless Communications





Chong Li is a Professor of Microwave Engineering at the University of Glasgow. Prof. Li leads the Microwave and Terahertz Electronics (MaTE) research group with research interests in design, modelling, fabrication and characterisation of ultrafast III-V compound semiconductor devices and their applications in wireless communications, quantum computing systems, and metrology.

He obtained his BEng (Donghua University, Shanghai, China), MSc with distinction (University of Manchester, Manchester, UK) and PhD (University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK) in 2002, 2007 and 2012, respectively.  He stayed in the same group as a Postdoctoral Research Associate until 2014 then he joined the UK's National Physical Laboratory. In 2017, he returned to the University of Glasgow as a Lecturer. He was promoted to a Senior Lecturer in 2021 and the Professor of Microwave Engineering in 2023. He has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, 3 patents and 1 book chapter. Prof. Li has over £3.5 million research income in the past 6 years including 1 EPSRC programme grant, 2 EPSRC strategic equipment grants, and several InnovateUK, UKSpaceAgency and commercial contracts.   

Prof. Li  is the Director of the Centre for Advanced Electronics (CAE) at the University of Glasgow, an executive member of ARFTG, and the Co-Chair of 2027 European Microwave Integrated Circuit (EuMiC).  He was a visiting researcher at University of Surrey in 2017, a member of the European Microwave Association (EuMA) representing United Kingdom, Ireland, Gibraltar, Malta between 2018 and 2021 and the Chair of Workshop & Short Courses of EuMW in 2021.


Metasurface, composed of sub-wavelength unit cells, represents an artificial two-dimensional (2D) structure that can manipulate electromagnetic waves by a number of ways including amplitude, polarization, and phase. In recent years, the pursuit of metasurface devices has been focused on broadband operation, high efficiency, multifunctionality, and tunability.

In this talk, I will present our recent work on metasurface devices operating in both passive and active modes at millimetre-wave and Terahertz frequencies. In the realm of passive metasurface, the thesis proposes several meta lenses, leveraging the full manipulating capability of metasurface. These meta lenses offer versatile functionalities including transmission, reflection, and anomalous reflection, catering to diverse application requirements. Their high efficiency, planar structure, and straightforward fabrication processes position them as competitive options for next-generation communication, sensing, and detection systems. We have used these devices in quantum computing systems.

Moving to active metasurface devices, I will introduce two innovative designs: programmable metasurfaces utilising graphene, and terahertz detectors integrating both metasurfaces and the self-mixing effect of Gunn diode. The programmable metasurface modulators exploit the nonlinear properties of graphene, demonstrating significant frequency tunability within the 750 GHz to 1100 GHz range. It provides a broad spectrum of discrete responses tailored to the design parameters. Additionally, by incorporating the self-mixing effect of Gunn diode, a terahertz detector with metasurface functionality is proposed. The self-mixing effect is verified through numerical simulations and experimental validation. These devices offer unique capabilities such as frequency down-conversion and monolayer structure, making them highly competitive in terahertz detection applications. Their adaptability and active functionalities underscore the promising prospects of metasurface technology, highlighting its potential for tunable and multifunctional applications in the future. These devices will be used in 6G communication systems.