IoT-based Smart Manufacturing – From Industry 4.0 to 5.0


题目:IoT-based Smart Manufacturing – From Industry 4.0 to 5.0

报告人:Gerhardus P. Hancke




Gerhardus P. Hancke教授本科和硕士毕业于斯泰伦博斯大学(University of Stellenbosch),博士毕业于比勒陀利亚大学(University of Pretoria),目前是比勒陀利亚大学的荣誉教授和助理研究员。他也是南京邮电大学聘任的高层次人才。他于2005年在斯泰伦博斯大学发起了工业无线传感器网络(IWSN)的研究并成为国际公认的该领域的先锋。他因“对无线传感器网络的贡献”荣升IEEE Fellow。他合作编著了该领域第一本教材《工业无线传感器网络:应用,协议和标准(2013年)》。他分别于2009年在Transactions on Industrial Electronics(TIE),2012年在Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII) 发起了第一个关于IWSN的专刊,并在这个主题上获得了2012年TII最佳论文奖。他曾担任TII,TIE和IEEE Access的副主编和客座主编,TII的Co-EIC (2019-22),IEEE Access的高级编辑(2019-22)。从2023年起,他担任编辑TII的EIC。他曾在多个IEEE分会、地区和董事会(国际)级别的委员会任职,其中一些担任主席。在IES,他曾担任秘书(2006-2011)和AdCom(高级)成员(自2000年以来),在许多委员会和共同组织的各种会议上担任各种职务,特别是担任ISIE,INDIN,ICIT和AFRICON的总主席。他曾获得IEEE Larry K. Wilson奖(2007年),“作为全球多个区域和技术会议的成员,他鼓舞了会员发展和服务”。 


Traditional industries were (and are still) confronted with high labor costs, large carbon emissions, a low level of intelligence, low production efficiency, unstable quality control, safety, etc. To improve their competitiveness manufacturers are exploring key technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI & ML), Big Data Analytics, Digital Twins, Cloud Computing, etc.) We will focus on how the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) supports the above key technologies. IoT in smart manufacturing is a scenario where manufacturing resources are converted into smart things or smart manufacturing objects (SMOs). This scenario uncovers a paradigm known as IoT-based smart manufacturing. SMOs can sense, interconnect and interact with each other automatically to carry out manufacturing logistics. Data collected by smart sensors can provide the production process with data analytics and intelligent decision-making. Integration of IoT would result in a network of machine-to-machine, human-to machine interactions. This would result in efficiency in resource sharing in the manufacturing process. Industry 4.0: We are currently primarily living in the fourth industrial revolution, which is based around the concept of digitalisation and includes automation, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, connected devices, data analytics, cyber-physical systems, digital transformation, and more. Industry 5.0: We are now increasingly entering the fifth industrial revolution with a focus on man and machines working together. Based upon personalisation and the use of collaborative robots, workers are free to deliver value-added tasks for customers. This latest iteration goes beyond manufacturing processes to include increased resilience, a human-centric approach, and a focus on sustainability.