齐 洁
东华大学教授,博导。中国自动化学会教工委委员,上海自动化学会常务理事,上海系统仿真学会理事,担任国际期刊Systems & Control Letters的编委等。从事分布参数系统控制、复杂工业过程建模、优化与控制、基于深度算子神经网络的(DeepONet)控制等,提出了基于连续建模的多智能体集群控制方法,并应用于无人系统。曾入选上海市晨光计划,上海市青年岗位能手,全国大学生数学建模竞赛上海赛区优秀指导教师,东华大学师德建设标兵,获得宝钢优秀教师奖。
2005至今, 东华大学信息科学与技术学院自动化系
2007/03-2008/03, 香港理工大学,纺织与制衣系,研究助理
2013/03-2014/03, 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校,非线性控制与动力系统分析中心,访问学者
2015/06-2015/09, 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校,非线性控制与动力系统分析中心,访问学者
2019/01-2020/01, 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,化学与材料工程系,访问学者
2023/09-2024/09, 英国牛津大学,数学系,访问学者
3.上海市自然科学基金,聚酰胺熔体纺丝过程动态建模与深度强化学习控制,23ZR1401800, 主持, 2023.4-2026.3
4.上海市自然科学基金,大规模多智能体的偏微分方程建模与控制, 16ZR1401200,主持,已完成
5.国家自然科学基金青年基金, NP难问题中的相变与基于自组织临界理论的智能优化算法研究,70701009, 主持,已完成
6.上海市晨光计划, 基于复杂系统自组织临界理论的智能优化算法, 2008CG38,主持,已完成
7.上海市自然科学基金,智能优化方法的临界特性研究, 09ZR1401800,主持,已完成
[1]. Jie Qi*, Shurong Mo, Miroslav Krstic, Delay-Compensated Distributed PDE Control of Traffic with Connected/Automated Vehicles, IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2023, 68(4): 2229 - 2244, full paper
[2]. Jie Qi*, Miroslav Krstic, Compensation of Spatially-Varying Input Delay in Distributed Control of Reaction-Diffusion PDEs, IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2021, 66(9): 4069-4083, full paper
[3]. Jie Qi*, Rafael Vazquez, Miroslav Krstic, Multi-agent Deployment in 3-D via PDE Control, IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 2015, 60(4): 891-906, full paper
[4]. Jie Qi*, Jing Zhang, Miroslav Krstic, Neural Operators for PDE Backstepping Control of First-Order Hyperbolic PIDE with Recycle and Delay, Systems & Control Letters, 2024, 185, 105714
[5]. Shanshan Wang, Mamadou Diagne, and Jie Qi*, Delay-adaptive Compensation for 3-D Formation Control of Leader-Actuated Multi-agent Systems. Automatica, 2024, 164: 111645
[6]. Dandan Guan, Jie Qi, Mamadou Diagne*, Robustness of Reaction-Diffusion PDEs Predictor-Feedback to Stochastic Delay Perturbations, Automatica, 2024, 167, 111784, regular paper
[7]. Jing Zhang, Rafeal Vazquez*, Jie Qi, Miroslav Krstic, Multi-agent Deployment in 3-D via Reaction–Diffusion System with Radially-varying Reaction, Automatica, 2024, 161, 111491, regular paper
[8]. Shanshan Wang, Jie Qi*, Miroslav Krstic, Delay‐adaptive Control of First‐order Hyperbolic Partial Integro‐differential Equations. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024, 34(10): 6784-6803
[9]. Shurong Mo, Nailong Wu*, Jie Qi, et al, Proximal Policy Optimization Learning Based Control of Congested Freeway Traffic[J]. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2024, 45(2): 719-736
[10]. Jing Zhang, Jie Qi*, Robust Stabilization of 2×2 First-order Hyperbolic PDEs with Uncertain Input Delay[J]. Automatica, 2023, 157: 111235
[11]. Dandan Guan, Yanmei Chen, Jie Qi*, Linglong Du, Bilateral Boundary Control of an Input Delayed 2-D Reaction–Diffusion Equation. Automatica, 2023, 157: 111242
[12]. Shanshan Wang, Mamadou Diagne, Jie Qi*, Delay-Adaptive Predictor Feedback Control of Reaction-Advection-Diffusion PDEs with a Delayed Distributed Input, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022, 67(7): 3762 – 3769
[14]. Dandan Guan, Jie Qi*, Radially Varying Delay-compensated Distributed Control of Reaction-Diffusion PDEs on n-ball under Revolution Symmetry Conditions, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022, 32(15): 8421-8450
[15]. Jing Zhang, Jie Qi*, Stevan Dubljevic, Bo Shen, Output Regulation for a First-Order Hyperbolic PIDE with State and Sensor delays, European Journal of Control, 2022, 65, 100643
[16]. Jie Qi, Stevan Dubljevic*, Weijian Kong, Output Feedback Compensation to State and Measurement Delays for a First-order Hyperbolic PIDE with Recycle, Automatica, 2021, 128(6): 109565
[17]. Shanshan Wang, Jie Qi, Mamadou Diagne*, Adaptive Boundary Control of Reaction-Diffusion PDEs with Unknown Input Delay, Automatica, 2021, 134: 109909, regular paper
[18].Jing Zhang, Jie Qi*, Compensation of Spatially-Varying State Delay for a First-Order Hyperbolic PIDE using Boundary Control, Systems & Control Letters, 2021, 157(11): 105050
[19]. Jie Qi, Shanshan Wang, Jianan Fang, Mamadou Diagne*, Control of Multi-Agent Systems with Input Delay via PDE-based Method, Automatica, 2019, 161(3): 91-100
[20]. Jie Qi*, Miroslav Krstic, Shanshan Wang, Stabilization of Reaction–Diffusions PDE with Delayed Distributed Actuation, Systems & Control Letters, 2019, 133: 104558
[21]. Jie Qi, Shuxia Tang* and Chuan Wang, Parabolic PDE-based Multi-Agent Formation Control on a Cylindrical Surface, International Journal of Control, 2019, 92(1):77-99
[22]. Jie Qi*, Jing Zhang, Yongsheng Ding, Wave Equation-Based Time-Varying Formation Control of Multiagent Systems, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2018, 26(5): 1578-1591
1.李陈新,齐洁,孔维健,一种碳纤维凝固浴过程控制仿真方法,CN 111221267 B
2.高世宇,齐洁,苏耀斌,冯世阳等,一种基于机器视觉的服装电子标签生成方法,CN 110197200 B.
3.简桢强,齐洁,张辰悦,等,一种新能源汽车的充电接口自动对接装置,CN 109910665 B.