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1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,面向边缘智能的车联网计算通信与路径规划,2021/01-2024/12,57万元,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,内容中心车联网容量分析与缓存优化研究,2018/01-2021/12,59万元,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,具有时延限制的大规模车载网络容量研究,2014/01-2016/12,25万元,主持
4. 上海市优秀学术/技术带头人计划,2023/05-2026/04,40万,主持
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7. 上海市青年拔尖人才开发计划项目,2020/01-2022/12,15万,主持
8. 上海市科委国际科技合作项目,智慧城市中基于跨技术通信的软件定义车联网频谱感测网络架构及资源优化研究,2020/09-2023/08,45万元,主持
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11. 教育部中央高校交叉重点项目,物联网移动边缘计算及在智能可穿戴技术中的应用,2020/01-2022/12,50万元,主持
12. 教育部中央高校励志计划,大规模无线网络性能优化与评价,2015/01-2017/12,50万,主持
13. 教育部中央高校自由探索项目,大规模无线社会网络容量研究,2014/01-2016/12,10万,主持
14. 上海市教委优秀青年基金,图上的随机游动及其在通信中的应用,2007/01-2009/12,5万,主持
15. 中国人民解放军某部队科研合作项目,25万,2022/09-2023/06,主持
16. 松江区科学技术攻关“揭榜挂帅”项目,边缘计算与通信一体化管控技术及在工业互联网中应用,15万,2023/09-2025/12,主持
17. 国家电网上海电力科学研究院科技项目,全站CVT误差在线监测技术研究,2021/01-2021/12,89.9
18. 国家电网上海市电力公司科技项目,SF6分布式智能传感及预警技术研究,2021/01-2021/12,59.9
19. 上海核工程设计研究院项目,PSA自主化软件第三方独立测试,2024/11-2025/12,22万。
20. 上海核工程设计研究院项目,自主化核电工程有限元计算分析软件工程结构算例测试,2023/11-2025/12,42万。
[1] Guanglin Zhang, P. Zhao, A. Zhang: Privacy Preservation in Distributed Systems - Algorithms and Applications. Springer 2024, ISBN 978-3-031-58012-3, pp. 3-254.
[2] Guanglin Zhang, Wenqian Zhang, L. Wang: Performance Evaluation for Mobile Edge Computing Systems. Springer 2024.
[3] Guanglin Zhang, L. Wang, M. Chen, Z. Shen: Energy Management for Microgrid Systems. Springer 2024.
[1] Wenqian Zhang*, L. Tan, T. Huang, X. Huang, M. Huang, Guanglin Zhang, “Resource Allocation and Trajectory Optimization in Multi-UAV Collaborative Vehicular Networks: An Extended Multi-Agent DRL Approach,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2024
[2] Wenqian Zhang, Guanglin Zhang*, S. Mao, “Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Joint Caching and Resources Allocation for Cooperative MEC,” IEEE Internet Things J. 11(7): 12203-12215 (2024)
[3] Y. Yi, Guanglin Zhang*, H. Jiang, “Online Digital Twin-Empowered Content Resale Mechanism in Age of Information-Aware Edge Caching Networks,” CoRR abs/2403.07868 (2024)
[4] Y. Yi, Guanglin Zhang*, H. Jiang, “Mobile Edge Computing Networks: Online Low-Latency and Fresh Service Provisioning. CoRR abs/2408.13605 (2024)
[5] M. Chen, Z. Shen, L. Wang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Combined Carbon Capture and Utilization with Peer-to-Pear Energy Trading for Multi-Microgrids Using Multi-Agent Proximal Policy Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Control of Network System, 2023. (SCI, IF: 4.2)
[6] X. Huang, T. Huang, S. Gu, S. Zhao, Guanglin Zhang*, “Responsible Federated Learning in Smart Transportation: Outlooks and Challenges,” IEEE Internet Things Mag. 7(5): 22-28 (2024)
[7] X. Huang, T. Huang, W. Zhang, C.K. Yeo, S. Zhao, Guanglin Zhang*, “Pricing Optimization in MEC System: Maximizing Resource Utilization Through Joint Server Configuration and Dynamic Operation,” IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 23(5): 5863-5879 (2024). (SCI, IF: 7.9)
[8] M. Huang, Z. Shen, Guanglin Zhang*, “Joint Spectrum Sharing and V2V/V2I Task Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing Networks Based on Coalition Formation Game,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 25(9): 11918-11934 (2024)
[9] P. Zhao, Z. Yang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Personalized and Differential Privacy-Aware Video Stream Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing,” IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput. 12(1): 347-358 (2024)
[10] H. Zhang, Guanglin Zhang, Mingbo Zhao, Yuping Liu, “Load Forecasting-Based Learning System for Energy Management With Battery Degradation Estimation: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron. 70(1): 2342-2352 (2024)
[11] P. Zhao, J. Jiang, Guanglin Zhang*. “FedSuper: A Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning Under Supervision,” ACM Trans. Sens. Networks 20(2): 36:1-36:29 (2024)
[12] W. Zhang, W. Fan, Guanglin Zhang*, S. Mao, “Learning-Based Joint Service Caching and Load Balancing for MEC Blockchain Networks,” China Communications, 20(1):125 -139, 2023. (SCI, IF: 4.1, Cover Paper)
[13] W. Zhang, Z. Shen, M. Qin, Guanglin Zhang*, “Two Time-Scale Energy and Spectrum Allocation for MEC Networks with Hybrid Energy Supplies,” IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng. 10(6): 3529-3542 (2023)(SCI, IF: 6.6)
[14] L. Wang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Joint Service Caching, Resource Allocation and Computation Offloading in Three-Tier Cooperative Mobile Edge Computing System,” IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng. 10(6): 3343-3353 (2023). (SCI, IF: 6.6)
[15] P. Zhao, Z. Yang, Y. Mu, Guanglin Zhang*, “Selfish-Aware and Learning-Aided Computation Offloading for Edge-Cloud Collaboration Network,” IEEE Internet Things J. 10(11): 9953-9965 (2023). (SCI, IF: 10.6)
[16] Z. Shen and Guanglin Zhang*, “Competitive Online Stay-or-Switch Algorithms With Minimum Commitment and Switching Cost,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 30(6): 2804-2817, 2022. (SCI, IF: 3.7)
[17] L. Wang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Joint Partial Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in Mobility-Aware MEC System,” China Communications, 2022. (SCI, IF: 4.1)
[18] W. Zhang, Guanglin Zhang*, S. Mao, “Joint Parallel Offloading and Load Balancing for Cooperative-MEC Systems With Delay Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(4): 4249-4263, 2022. (SCI, IF: 6.8)
[19] Z. Shen and Guanglin Zhang*, “Two-Timescale Mobile User Association and Hybrid Generator On/Off Control for Green Cellular Networks With Energy Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(10): 11047-11059, 2022. (SCI, IF: 6.8)
[20] M. Chen, Z. Shen, L. Wang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Intelligent Energy Scheduling in Renewable Integrated Microgrid with Bidirectional Electricity-to-Hydrogen Conversion,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TNSE.2022.3158988. (SCI, IF: 6.6)
[21] T. Li, D. Li, Y. Xu, X. Wang and Guanglin Zhang, “Temporal-Spatial Collaborative Mobile Edge Caching With User Satisfaction Awareness,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 9(5): 3643-3658, 2022. (SCI, IF: 6.6)
[22] P. Zhao, J. Tao, K. Lu, Guanglin Zhang*, F. Gao, “Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Joint Optimization of Delay and Privacy in Multiple-User MEC Systems,” IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput. 11(2): 1487-1499 (2023).(SCI, IF: 4.714)
[23] Guanglin Zhang, S. Ni, P. Zhao, “Learning-Based Joint Optimization of Energy Delay and Privacy in Multiple-User Edge-Cloud Collaboration MEC Systems,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(2):1491-1502, 2022. (SCI, IF: 10.6)
[24] Y. Cao, H. Wang, D. Li, Guanglin Zhang*, “Smart Online Charging Algorithm for Electric Vehicles via Customized Actor–Critic Learning,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(1):684-694, 2022. (SCI, IF: 10.6)
[25] G. Huang, P. Zhao and Guanglin Zhang*, “Real-Time Battery Thermal Management for Electric Vehicles Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(15): 14060-14072, 2022. (SCI, IF: 10.6)
[26] C. Guo, D. Li, X. Chen, Guanglin Zhang, “An adaptive V2R communication strategy based on data delivery delay estimation in VANETs,” Vehicular Communications, 34, 100444, 2022. (SCI, IF:6.910)
[27] Guanglin Zhang, S. Zhang, Z. Shen, W. Zhang, and L. Wang, “Joint Service Caching, Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 20(8):5288-5300,2021. (SCI, IF: 6.779)
[28] Z. Shen, C. Wu, L. Wang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Real-time Energy Management for Microgrid with EV Station and CHP Generation,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 8(2): 1492-1501, 2021. (SCI, IF: 6.1)
[29] M. Huang, Y. Yi, Guanglin Zhang*, “Service Caching and Task Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing-Enabled Intelligent Connected Vehicles,” Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science), 26(5): 670-679, 2021. (EI)
[30] J. Ren, D. Li, L.Zhang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Scaling Performance Analysis and Optimization Based on the Node Spatial Distribution in Mobile Content-Centric Networks,” Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing. 2021: 8880015:1-8880015:17 (2021).(SCI, IF:1.819)
[31] Guanglin Zhang, S. Zhang, W. Zhang, Z. Shen, and L. Wang, “Distributed Energy Management for Multiple Data Centers with Renewable Resources and Energy Storages,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2020.3031881. (SCI, IF: 4.714)
[32] P. Zhao, J. Sun, Guanglin Zhang*, “DAML: Practical Secure Protocol for Data Aggregation Based on Machine Learning,” ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 16(4): 34:1-34:18, 2020. (SCI, IF: 4.1)
[33] P. Zhao, W. Liu, Guanglin Zhang*, Z. Li, L. Wang, “Preserving Privacy in WiFi Localization With Plausible Dummy Locations,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(10): 11909-11925, 2020. (SCI, IF: 6.8)
[34] Guanglin Zhang, A. Zhang, P. Zhao, “LocMIA: Membership Inference Attacks Against Aggregated Location Data,” IEEE Internet Things Journal, 7(12): 11778-11788, 2020. (SCI一区, IF: 10.6)
[35] Guanglin Zhang, S. Ni, P. Zhao, “Enhancing Privacy Preservation in Speech Data Publishing,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020.DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2983228 (SCI一区, IF: 10.6)
[36] Guanglin Zhang, A. Zhang, P. Zhao, J. Sun, “Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Scheme in Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based Indoor Localization,” IEEE Systems Journal, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2020.2977970 (SCI, IF: 4.463)
[37] C. Guo, D. Li, Guanglin Zhang*, X. Ding, R. Curtmola, and C. Borcea. “Dynamic Interior Point Method for Vehicular Traffic Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2020.2983434. (SCI, IF: 6.8)
[38] Guanglin Zhang, Z. Shen, L. Wang, “Online Energy Management for Microgrids With CHP Co-Generation and Energy Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(2): 533-541, 2020. (SCI, IF: 4.883)
[39] P. Zhao, Guanglin Zhang, S. Wan, G. Liu, and T. Umer, “A survey of local differential privacy for securing internet of vehicles,” JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, 76(11): 8391-8412, 2020. (SCI, IF: 3.3)
[40] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. Shen, L. Wang, “Distributed Energy Management for Multiuser Mobile-Edge Computing Systems With Energy Harvesting Devices and QoS Constraints,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(3): 4035-4048, 2019. (SCI, IF: 10.6)
[41] Guanglin Zhang, Z. Shen, Z. Li, L. Wang, “Energy Scheduling for Networked Microgrids with Co-Generation and Energy Storage,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(5): 7722-7736, 2019. (SCI, IF: 10.6)
[42] P. Zhao, H. Jiang, J. Li, F. Zeng, Z. Xiao, K. Xie, Guanglin Zhang, “Synthesizing Privacy Preserving Traces: Enhancing Plausibility With Social Networks,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking. 27(6): 2391-2404, 2019. (SCI, IF: 3.56)
[43] Guanglin Zhang, W. Zhang, Y. Cao, D. Li, and L. Wang, “Energy-Delay Tradeoff for Dynamic Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing System with Energy Harvesting Devices,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14(10): 4642-4655, 2018. (SCI, IF: 7.377)
[44] C. Guo, D. Li, Guanglin Zhang*, and M. Zhai, “Real-Time Path Planning in Urban Area via VANET-Assisted Traffic Information Sharing,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(7): 5638-5649, 2018. (SCI, IF: 6.8)
[45] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Cao, L. Wang, D. Li, “Operation Cost Minimization for Base Stations With Heterogenous Energy Supplies and Sleep-Awake Mode: A Two-Timescale Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 4(4): 908-918, 2018. (SCI, IF: 4.341)
[46] D. Li, P. Deng, Y. Xu, L. Gao and Guanglin Zhang, “Joint Access Spectrum and Backhaul Energy Allocation for Green Cognitive Heterogeneous Networks,” IEEE Access,6: 24793-24808, 2018. (SCI, IF: 3.476)
[47] D. Li, Guanglin Zhang, Y. Xu, H. Zhao and F. Tian, “Integrating Distributed Grids With Green Cellular Backhaul: From Competition to Cooperation,” IEEE Access, 6: 75798-75812, 2018. (SCI, IF: 3.476)
[48] W. Zhang, Guanglin Zhang, Y. Zheng, L. Yang and C. K. Yeo, “Spectrum Sharing for Heterogeneous Networks and Application Systems in TV White Spaces,” IEEE Access, 6: 19833-19843, 2018. (SCI, IF: 3.476)
[49] W. Zhang, J. Yang, Guanglin Zhang, L. Yang, and C.K. Yeo, “TV White Space and Its Applications in Future Wireless Networks & Communications: A Survey,” IET Communications, 2018, 12(20), 2521-2532. (SCI)
[50] W. Zhang, Guanglin Zhang, Y. Zheng, L. Xie and C. K. Yeo, “Energy Efficiency Consideration for Indoor Femtocell Networks in TV White Spaces,” IEEE Access, 6: 1565-1576, 2018. (SCI, IF: 3.476)
[51] X. Ying, J. Zhang, L. Yan, Y. Cheng, Guanglin Zhang, M. Chen, and R. Chandra, “Exploring Indoor White Spaces in Metropolises,” ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 9(1): 9:1-9:25, 2017. (SCI, IF: 3.196)
[52] Guanglin Zhang, J. Liu, and J. Ren, “Multicast Capacity of Cache Enabled Content-Centric Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” China Communications, 14(7): 1-9, 2017. (SCI, IF: 4.1)
[53] J. Ren, Guanglin Zhang* and D. Li, “Multicast Capacity for VANETs With Directional Antenna and Delay Constraint Under Random Walk Mobility Model,” IEEE Access, 5: 3958-3970, 2017. (SCI, IF: 3.476)
[54] C. Guo, D. Li, Guanglin Zhang* and Z. Cui, “Data Delivery Delay Reduction for VANETs on Bi-Directional Roadway,” IEEE Access, 4: 8514-8524, 2016. (SCI, IF: 3.476)
[55] C. Chau, Guanglin Zhang, and M. Chen, “Cost Minimizing Online Algorithms for Energy Storage Management with Worst-case Guarantee,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 7(6): 2691-2702, 2016. (SCI, IF: 10.486)
[56] D. Li, H. Zhao, F. Tian, B. Huang, Y. Xu, Guanglin Zhang, “Multipath network coding and multicasting for content sharing in wireless P2P networks: A potential game approach,” Computer Communications, 96: 17-28, 2016. (SCI, IF: 4.1)
[57] Guanglin Zhang*, You S, Ren J, Li D, Wang L, “Local Coverage Optimization Strategy Based on Voronoi for Directional Sensor Networks,” Sensors, 16(12): 2183, 2016. (SCI, IF: 847)
[58] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Xu, X. Wang, X. Tian, J. Liu, X. Gan, H. Yu and L. Qian, “Multicast Capacity for Hybrid VANETs with Directional Antenna and Delay Constraint,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30(4): 818-833, 2012. (SCI, IF: 9.302)
[59] L. Fu, L. Qian, X. Tian, H. Tang, N. Liu, Guanglin Zhang and X. Wang, “Percolation Degree of Secondary Users in Cognitive Networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30(10):1994-2005, 2012. (SCI, IF: 9.302)
[60] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Xu, X. Wang, and M. Guizani, “Capacity of Hybrid Wireless Networks with Directional Antenna and Delay Constraint,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, 58(7): 2097-2106, 2010. (SCI, IF: 5.69)
[1] X. Liu, Y. Yi, Wenqian Zhang, Guanglin Zhang*, “Lyapunov-Based MADRL Policy in Wireless Powered MEC Assisted Monitoring Systems. INFOCOM (Workshops) 2024: 1-6
[2] R. Cao, M. Chen, and Guanglin Zhang*, “MAPPO-based Energy Trading in Intelligent Community with Double Auction,” IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy, 28 May -01 June 2023.
[3] L. Tan and Guanglin Zhang*, “Trajectory Planning and Energy Optimization for UAV-Assisted Vehicular Networks in Urban Scenarios,” 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), Chengdu, China, 2022: 758-764.
[4] S. Liu, T. Liu, Z. Ye and Guanglin Zhang*, “Low-Complexity Proportional Resource Allocation in Joint CommRadar System,” 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT), Hefei, China, 2022: 456-459.
[5] W. Fan, W. Zhang, L. Wang, T. Liu, and Guanglin Zhang*, “Joint Offloading and Resource Allocation in Cooperative Blockchain-Enabled MEC System,” ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference - China (ACM TURC), New York, NY, USA, 2021: 136-140.
[6] M. Ge, L. Wang, Guanglin Zhang*, L. Wang, “Joint Optimization of Task Offloading and Resource Allocation in UAV-Assisted MEC Networks,” China Automation Congress (CAC), 2021.
[7] X. Liu, Guanglin Zhang*, “Joint Optimization Offloading and Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Cloud Computing Networks with Delay Constraints,” IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC), 2020.
[8] S. Zhang, Z. Shen, Guanglin Zhang*, “Cost Minimization for Geo-Distributed Data Centers with Renewable Resources and Energy Storages,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Hawaii, Big Inland, USA, Dec., 2019.
[9] P. Zhao, J. Sun, A. Zhang, S. Ni, Guanglin Zhang, “P3S2: practical secure protocol for speech data publishing,” ACM TURC, 33:1-5, 2019.
[10] T. Cao, Z. Shen, Guanglin Zhang*, “LSTM-Aided Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management in Microgrid with Energy Storage and EV Charging,” MSN, 2019: 13-18.
[11] W. Zhang, Guanglin Zhang, Y. Zheng, L. Yang and C. K. Yeo, “Spectrum Sharing for Heterogeneous Communication Systems in TV White Spaces,” 2019 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Honolulu, HI, USA, 2019: 240-244.
[12] Guanglin Zhang, M. Qin, Z. Shen, and L. Wang, "Energy Management for Smart Base Stations with Heterogeneous Energy Harvesting Devices," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec, 2018.
[13] Y. Cao, Guanglin Zhang*, D. Li, and L. Wang, "Online Energy Management for Smart Communities with Heterogeneous Demands," IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec, 2018.
[14] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Cao, and D. Li, “Energy Cost Reduction for Hybrid Energy Supply Base Stations with Sleep Mode Techniques,” IEEE International Conference in Communications (ICC), Kansas City, USA, May, 2018.
[15] Guanglin Zhang, K. Yi, W. Zhang, D. Li, “Cost Reduction for Micro-Grid Powered Data Center Networks with Energy Storage Devices,” Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA), 2018.
[16] Guanglin Zhang, Y. Chen, Z. Shen and L. Wang, “Energy Management for Multi-User Mobile-Edge Computing Systems with Energy Harvesting Devices and QoS Constraints,” IEEE International Workshop on Sustainable Edge Computing for IoT systems, ICCCN, 2018.
[17] C. Qi, Guanglin Zhang*, W. Zhang, and D. Li, “An Indoor TV White Space Resource Collecting and APs Locations Selecting Scheme,” IEEE CBD 2017.
[18] J. Liu, Guanglin Zhang*, D. Li, J. Ren, “Capacity of Content-Centric Hybrid Wireless Networks,” EAI MLICOM, 2016.
[19] X. Zhang, D. Li, J. Wang, Guanglin Zhang and X. Jiang, “Faster parking and less cruise for public parking spot discovery: Modeling and analysis based on Timed Petri Nets,” 2016 IEEE 13th International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control (ICNSC), Mexico City, Mexico, 2016: 1-6.
[20] Y. Shen, X. Ou, J. Xu, Guanglin Zhang*, L. Wang, and D. Li, “Optimal Energy Storage Management for Microgris with ON/OFF Co-Generator: A Two-Time-Scale Approach,” IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Orlando, Florida, USA, December, 2015.
[21] X. Ou, Y. Shen, Z. Zeng, Guanglin Zhang*, and L. Wang, “Cost Minimization Online Energy Management for Microgrids with Power and Thermal Storages,” Workshop on WiMAN, IEEE ICCCN, 2015.
[22] L. Mak, M. Chen, Guanglin Zhang, L. Huang, and H. Zeng, “Online Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicle,” ACM E-energy, 2015, Poster.
[23] X. Ying, J. Zhang, L. Yan, Guanglin Zhang, M. Chen, and R. Chandra, “Exploring Indoor White Spaces in Metropolises,” ACM MOBICOM, 2013.
[24] Guanglin Zhang, L. Wang, “Multicast Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Transmission Uncertainty,” IEEE ICCC workshop D2D communications, 2013.
[25] X. Cao, J. Zhang, Guanglin Zhang, L. Fu and X. Wang, “Heterogeneous Multicast Networks With Wireless Helping Networks,” the 7th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, (WASA), 2012.
[26] Guangin Zhang, Y. Xu and X. Wang, “Multicast Capacity for Hybrid MANETs with Direction Antenna and Delay Constraint,” IEEE GLOBLECOM, 2011.
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5. 张安琪;赵萍;张光林,一种针对聚合位置数据的成员推测攻击系统,申请公布日: 2020.07.17
6. 徐珑婷;魏郅林;季云云;张光林;贾逢德,一种基于恒定常数频域变换下的语音增强方法,申请公布日: 2020.07.10
7. 张光林;倪思帆;赵萍,基于隐私保护的语音数据处理方法,申请公布日: 2020.04.10
8. 张光林;黄淦;赵萍,电动汽车能源管理与分配方法,申请公布日: 2020.04.07
9. 张光林;王璐瑶;沈至榕;张文倩;王琳,一种基于强化学习的多用户移动边缘计算迁移方法,申请公布日: 2020.02.21
10. 张光林;沈至榕;王璐瑶;王琳;王琛焱,一种基于服务质量的多智能电网资源协同管理方法,申请公布日: 2020.02.21
11. 瞿斌杰;孙韶媛;赵国顺;张光林;翟梦琳,基于时空双流卷积神经网络的跨视角步态识别方法,申请公布日: 2020.01.14
12. 张磊;赵康宁;倪琴;徐珑婷;张光林,复杂室内环境下一种基于改进粒子滤波的无线定位方法,申请公布日: 2019.10.15
13. 廖书亚; 李德敏;徐梦然;郭畅;曹永胜;张光林,一种基于VANETs的停车场推荐方法,授权公告日: 2022.01.11
14. 张安琪;赵萍;张光林一种针对聚合位置数据系统的隐私保护性能评估系统,授权公告日: 2021.12.10
15. 曹永胜;李德敏;张光林;汪浩,一种无桩式电动汽车充电停车位决策系统,授权公告日: 2021.12.07
16. 张安琪;赵萍;张光林,基于WiFi指纹室内定位的轻量级隐私保护系统及方法,授权公告日: 2021.11.12
17. 李德敏;王俊杰;张爱平;曹梦琦;徐梦然;廖书亚;张光林,一种VANET环境下结合预测信息的路径规划方法,授权公告日: 2021.11.09
18. 徐梦然;李德敏;廖书亚;胡星星;汤孝阳;张光林,在车载自组织网络RSU缺失场景下的路网信息收集方法,授权公告日: 2021.11.09
19. 李德敏;曹梦琦;张爱平;王俊杰;徐梦然;廖书亚;张光林,车载自组织网中不同RSU场景下的路网信息收集方法,授权公告日: 2021.11.02
20. 曹永胜;李德敏;张光林,一种密码记录系统,授权公告日: 2021.10.26
21. 黄梦婷;刘肖燕;张光林,一种车联网信息处理时延优化方法,授权公告日: 2021.10.15
22. 赵萍;陶佳伟;张光林,基于能量采集设备的移动边缘计算系统双层负载平衡方法,授权公告日: 2021.08.27
23. 徐珑婷;张光林;赵萍;张磊;季云云,身份矢量x-vector线性变换下的说话人识别方法,授权公告日: 2021.08.20
24. 赵萍;赵小荟;张光林;李德敏,抵御位置数据中毒攻击的车联网位置数据处理方法和装置,授权公告日: 2021.07.20
25. 徐梦然; 李德敏;王俊杰;廖书亚;胡伟;李悦;张光林,一种基于不同信号灯状态的区域分簇方法,授权公告日: 2021.07.02
26. 赵萍;黄代玉;徐珑婷;张光林,车联网中基于博弈的位置数据中毒攻击原型系统,授权公告日: 2021.05.11
27. 张光林;吴长乐;曹永胜;张文倩;李德敏,多辆电动汽车在微电网系统中的分布式实时能量分配方法,授权公告日: 2021.04.02
28. 易开江;张光林;吴长乐;张文倩;李德敏,一种数据中心成本优化方法,授权公告日: 2021.03.19
29. 赵萍;高西林;张光林;李德敏,LBS中抵御推测攻击的位置数据的处理方法和处理装置,授权公告日: 2021.03.05
30. 李德敏; 张爱平;王俊杰;曹梦琦;徐梦然;廖书亚;张光林,一种基于VANETs的车辆防碰撞路由方法,授权公告日: 2020.12.18
31. 李龙龙;张光林,一种智能微电网分布式能源调度方法,授权公告日: 2020.05.26
32. 曹永胜;李德敏;张光林;丁绅一;王珊珊,一种红外无人机自主电网巡检系,授权公告日: 2019.06.21
33. 余园林;李德敏;张光林;崔照远;张晓露,一种车载自组织中车辆均匀分布下的分层多跳链路方法,授权公告日: 2019.04.09
34. 张晓露;李德敏;张光林,一种基于公交车骨干网的停车场选择系,授权公告日: 2018.12.04
35. 余园林; 李德敏;崔照远;郭畅;王泽阳;张光林;张晓露,一种基于泊车与寻车的停车系,授权公告日: 2018.12.04
36. 张晓露;李德敏;吴思畏;张光林,一种基于车载网络的停车场信息的获取方法,授权公告日: 2017.12.22
37. 王小明; 李德敏;陈建斌;张晓露;张光林;汤海涅,一种地震行业集群多链路节点监控系,授权公告日: 2017.02.22