

题目: 数字通信的过去,现在,和未来

报告人:夏香根 教授  


时间:2022年12月24日 10:00


夏香根 (Xiang-Gen Xia)  , IEEE Fellow, 1992年获得美国南加州大学电子工程博士学位, 现任美国特拉华大学讲座教授, 曾任清华大学电子系无线通信Kumar讲座教授团教授,中国自然科学基金海外杰青(杰青B类),教育部长江学者讲座教授,中组部千人计划专家教授,韩国World Class University (WCU)讲座教授, 2005年ICASSP大会共同主席 (General Co-Chair)。 曾获得1997年美国国家科学基金的青年教授生涯(CAREER)奖, 1998年美国海军研究署青年研究员(YIP)奖, 和2019年中国电子学会信息论分会信息论海外杰出华人科学家奖。出版专著《Modulated Coding for Intersymbol Interference Channels》,CRC Press, 2000, 以共同作者出版专著《Array Beamforming Enabled Wireless Communications》, CRC Press, 2023。夏教授的研究方向主要是无线通信和雷达信号处理。


In the past decades, digital wireless communications have experienced tremendous developments including generations of cellular systems, and high speed WiFi systems, and have become one necessary component in ordinary people’s daily life. Its standards have come with the path of TDMA/CDMA/OFDMA in modulation, which, in my opinion, is mainly determined by the signal bandwidths used in the communications systems. In this talk, I will first briefly overview the past and current standards in terms of signal bandwidths and adopted modulation schemes. Then, I will talk about what might be needed for the future standards in my own opinion. Finally, I will talk about single antenna vector OFDM (VOFDM) that treats OFDM and single carrier systems as two extreme cases. VOFDM deals with both frequency and time selective fadings well and also serves with a good tradeoff between bandwidth, OFDM symbol length, and cyclic prefix (CP) length, error rate performance and receiver complexity.  Interestingly it is the same as the recent active OTFS system.